You can join the Philip Roth Society online by using the PayPal payment options below, or you can join through regular mail by clicking on the link down below:
Please mail membership form and check to: The Philip Roth Society, c/o Matthew Shipe, Washington University in St. Louis, Campus Box 1122, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899.
Beginning in January 2021, the Society will offer two membership options: membership with an electronic subscription to the Philip Roth Studies journal, and an option to keep their print subscription to the journal. Both options include a subscription to the society newsletter, Philip Roth Society Newsletter, and all members, will be included in all future email notifications regarding Roth Society-related announcements, calls, and news. Please be sure to complete the Membership Contact Form at the bottom of the page if you are a new member or are a renewing member with updated contact information.
Philip Roth Studies is a semi-annual peer-reviewed journal published by Purdue University Press in cooperation with the Philip Roth Society, and is devoted to all all research pertaining entirely or in part to Philip Roth, his fiction, and his literary and cultural significance. Annual membership fees for Membership with Philip Roth Studies is $30 (which will include subscription to a full volume year (2 issues). For current members you can purchase a print subscription for $60/year.
Memberships need to be renewed January 1 of each year. Members who renew their membership will receive access to that year's issues of PRS.