CFP: 2021 Siegel McDaniel Award for Graduate Research on Philip Roth
The annual Siegel/McDaniel Award, sponsored by the Philip Roth Society, recognizes high-quality graduate student papers written within...
Writing Roth
Jacques Berlinerblau discusses his new book on Roth and on writing biography: https://lithub.com/how-philip-roth-controlled-the-narrative...

Issue 17.2 Coming Soon!
Issue 17.2 of Philip Roth Studies has been sent off to the printer and will be available soon. Featuring essays from Ryan Sherwood,...

Audrey Speaks! (Unmuting Women): A Former Student Writes Back to Her Professor about Philip Roth
Audrey Speaks! (Unmuting Women): A Former Student Writes Back to Her Professor about Philip Roth’s Genius and Misogyny Audrey Rouhandeh...
Ira Nadel's Philip Roth: A Counterlife Reviewed in TLS
Society member Ira Nadel's biography, Philip Roth: A Counterlife, received an excellent review in the most recent TLS. The title of the...
Society Member Berlinerblau featured in The Guardian
Society member Jacques Berlinerblau's forth coming book on Roth, The Philip Roth We Don't Know, was featured in this weekend's Guardian:...