Berlinerblau on Roth and Cancel Culture
Society member Jacques Berlinerblau recently published this reflection on Roth and cancel culture:

Society President Matthew Shipe Publishes Understanding Philip Roth
Shipe's monograph on Roth's career was recently published by the University of South Carolina Press. The books offers a concise and...
Roth and Mischief?
Roth featured in LitHub:

Upcoming Roth Lecture--Roth's Other Haunts--May 2nd!
Please join us on Monday May 2 at 4:30pm central time for a hybrid lecture/discussion, of “Philip Roth’s Other Haunts,” with Brett Ashley...
Steve Sampson Publishes Review of la Bibliothèque de la Pléiade Second Roth Volume
Society member Steven Sampson recently published a review of the second volume of Roth's collected work. The article--which you can...