New York Times Features Preview of Sabbath's Theater Adaptation
A preview of John Turturro's forthcoming adaptation of Sabbath's Theater was featured in this week's Sunday Times.:...
Call for Applications--Next Editor(s) of Philip Roth Studies
Please join the Philip Roth Society and the Philip Roth Studies Advisory Board in expressing our deep thanks to Aimee Pozorski and Maren...

CFP Siegel McDaniel Award
CFP: 2023 Siegel McDaniel Award for Graduate Research on Philip Roth The annual Siegel/McDaniel Award, sponsored by the Philip Roth...
Congrats to Steven Zipperstein
Congratulations to Society member Steven Zipperstein, who was elected this past May to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences!
Steven Sampson Interview in Chema
Society member Steven Sampson was interviewed by the French language magazine Chema regarding his work on Roth and the most recent...

Roth@90 and Roth Unbound featured in TapintoNewark and The Washington Post
The Roth@90 conference and Roth Unbound festival were featured in TapintoNewark and The Washington Post.
Sabbath'sTheater in Yale Review
Novelist Garth Greenwell reconsiders Sabbath's Theater in the most recent Yale Review:

Roth@90 Covered in Brazil!
Thanks to Felipe Franco Munhoz for his wonderful presentation of his Roth-inspired novel, Mentiras, and for this story covering Roth@90...

Program for Roth@90
The program for this week's Roth@90 conference is here!
Why Roth Matters
As we get ready for the Roth@90 conference and Roth Unbound festival a reminder of why Roth's work remains vital:...