Philip Roth Society at the Jewish American and Holocaust Literature Symposium
The Philip Roth Society will sponsor a panel at the Jewish American and Holocaust Literature Symposium, 7-10 November 2010, in South Beach, FL. The title of the panel will be “Roth and the Holocaust,” and the presentations will include:
“Traumatic Realism and ‘Afterwardsness’ in The Plot Against America” – Aimee Pozorski, Central Connecticut State University
“‘Submerged, Emerging, Disappearing, Unforgotten’: Holocaust Memory and Masculine Identity in Roth’s Fiction” – Maggie McKinley, Marquette University
“‘The Most Dreadful Sound Imaginable’: The Holocaust as Psychic Trauma in The Professor of Desire” – Peter Rudnytsky, University of Florida
For more information visit the symposium website at