2020 Siegel McDaniel Award for Graduate Research on Philip Roth
The annual Siegel/McDaniel Award, sponsored by the Philip Roth Society, recognizes high- quality graduate student papers written within the past year on any aspect of Philip Roth’s work.
To be considered for the award, eligible graduate students have two options:
1. They can submit a clean copy of their 10-15 page essay, double-spaced, in 12 point Times New Roman font to Maggie McKinley, the Philip Roth Society Program Director, at mmckinle@harpercollege.edu.
2. They can submit an essay for peer review to Philip Roth Studies, at philiprothstudies@gmail.com indicating that they are graduate students and would like to be considered for the award. This consideration is not tied to essay’s acceptance by the journal’s peer reviewers. If the essay does not pass peer review but wins the award, then it will still be published as the Siegel McDaniel Award Winner in the pages of Philip Roth Studies
We recommend that faculty encourage their students to submit papers, and we welcome submissions from Roth Society members and non-members alike.
The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2020.
The winner of the Siegel/McDaniel Award receives: • a $500 cash award • a complimentary membership renewal that includes the journal option for the following year • an opportunity to work with the editors of Philip Roth Studies to publish an expanded version of the essay. • reimbursement of one conference registration fee when presenting on a Roth Society panel
The executive board members of the Philip Roth Society will evaluate all entries and notify entrants of their decision. Blind review will be ensured, irrespective of the entry mode.
This award is given in honor of the work of Ben Siegel and John McDaniel, two of the earliest and most influential Roth scholars in the history of American letters.