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Reading Roth with Empathy Symposium

Organized by Miriam Jaffe, Aimee Pozorski, and Rachele Puddu, the Reading Roth with Empathy Symposium took place on February 7th, 2025 at Rutgers University. Featuring presentations from Ira Nadel, Maggie McKinley, Jim Bloom, and other Roth scholars, the Symposium explored how we can read Roth's fiction through an empathic lens, and included panels on The Human Stain, reader response, and historical, international, and comparative perspectives on Roth and empathy.

William Connell presenting on "Epstein." Miriam Jaffe and Jim Bloom also pictured.
William Connell presenting on "Epstein." Miriam Jaffe and Jim Bloom also pictured.

Derek Graf presenting on "Eli, the Fanatic." Jacob Wilkenfeld and Noah Jampol also pictured.
Derek Graf presenting on "Eli, the Fanatic." Jacob Wilkenfeld and Noah Jampol also pictured.

Joey Ozias presenting on "Readers Reading Roth." Quinn Moyer also pictured.
Joey Ozias presenting on "Readers Reading Roth." Quinn Moyer also pictured.

Presenters, pictured from left to right: William Connell, Jim Bloom, Francesco Samarini, Rachele Puddu, Miriam Jaffe, Maggie McKinley, Derek Graf, Joey Ozias, Noah Jampol, Ira Nadel, Quinn Moyer, Andy Connolly, and Aimee Pozorski
Presenters, pictured from left to right: William Connell, Jim Bloom, Francesco Samarini, Rachele Puddu, Miriam Jaffe, Maggie McKinley, Derek Graf, Joey Ozias, Noah Jampol, Ira Nadel, Quinn Moyer, Andy Connolly, and Aimee Pozorski

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