Roth Society at ALA in Chicago
The Roth Society sponsored two panels at the annual American Literary Association convention, which was held last week in Chicago.
Philip Roth’s Biographical Legacy:
Chair: Maggie McKinley, Harper College
1. “Philip Roth’s Peculiar Take on T. S. Eliot and the ‘extinction of personality’: a Historicist
Response to the Rise of Biographical Fetishism and the Politics of Neoliberal Progressivism in
Roth Studies” Andy Connelly, CUNY, Hostos
2. “Philip Roth’s Library Legacy,” Miriam Jaffe, Rutgers University
3. “Roth and Reputation in the Age of Cancel Culture,” Brittany Hirth, Dickinson State University
4. “Nice to Meet Me: The Anxiety of Perception in Philip Roth’s Operation Shylock and Joshua
Ferris’ To Rise Again at a Decent Hour,” Joseph Ozias, University of Cincinnati
Audio Visual Equipment required: Yes (ability to project slides)
Requested slot: first or second afternoon
Business Meeting Requested: immediately following roundtable, if possible
Philip Roth’s Regional Writing: A Roundtable
Organized by the Philip Roth Society
Moderator: Matthew Shipe, Washington University of St. Louis
1. “Rural Gentrification, Class, and Race,” Andy Connelly, Pace University
2. “The Colleges, Chicago, and the Berkshires in Roth’s Life and Work” Bernard Rodgers, Bard
College at Simon’s Rock
3. “The Many Jerseys of Roth,” Jim Bloom, Muhlenberg College
4. “Revisiting the South Mountain Reservation in Goodbye, Columbus,” Aimee Pozorski, Central
Connecticut State University
5. “Roth’s Longitudes,” Eric Vanderwall, University of Chicago